WEATHER UPDATE 10:30 AM on Jan 10: Due to a declared state of emergency in North Carolina for impending severe weather conditions, and out of concern for the safety of our audience and musicians, tonight's Bach & Mozart concert at Knight Theater is cancelled. Ticketholders for tonight’s concert will receive an email with ticket options.


The Charlotte Symphony Orchestra Stages a Comeback

Jun 3, 2020

By Katy Burge, QC Life 

Members of the Charlotte symphony are used to making beautiful music together. Due to Covid 19 and the stay at home order, the musicians have been playing a different tune. They have been separated and at home, however, musicians have been providing private concerts from home. It is an effort called Charlotte Symphony Orchestra at Home (#CSOatHome). The Symphony is presenting the series on Facebook and the Charlotte Symphony website.

This summer, the Charlotte Symphony will be back in action. Michelle Hamilton, Interim President and CEO of the Charlotte Symphony, says a summer concert series is planned for August. Al Fresco concerts are on tap for June.